Pohl Medal of the faculty of Physics for continuously excellent teaching (Dec. 2015)
Biophysics II (MSc), winter term 2014/15 (in english)
‘Introduction to biophysics and physics of complex systems’
winter term 2015/16, summer term 2014, summer term 2012, summer term 2011 (in german)
Lecture on Cell Mechanics by AFM within the GGNB lecture series (GGNB Ringvorlesung), winter term 13/14, 12/13, and summer term 2015 and 2016 (in english)
Biophysics of the Cell’ (lecture and seminar)
summer term 2016 (in english), summer term 2015, winter term 2013/14 (in german), winter term 2011/12 (in english), summer term 2010 (in german)
“Experimental Methods in Biophysics” (lecture and seminar)
summer term 2013, (in english)
‘Current Research in Biophysics’, seminar, winter term 12/13 (in english)
‘Introduction to soft condensed matter physics’ winter term 2014/15 and 2009/10 (in german)
Tutorial Physics II, summer term 2009 (in german)
University of Pennsylvania
Module “Cell Mechanics and Tissue Engineering”
within the course CAMB-697 “The Biology of Stem Cells” 2008
Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany
Biophysics Teaching Assistant
Responsible for the seminar. Supervising students’ talks.
Physics Teaching Assistant
Supervising physics lab practice 3rd and 4th semester.
Biophysics Teaching Assistant
Supervising biophysics advanced lab practice 6th and 7th semester.